So sorry for your loss, Poppers. Hang in there, you have many friends here.
under the radar
JoinedPosts by under the radar
My sister died
by poppers injust got word that my sister died.
she had surgery for heart valve replacement about 5 weeks ago, and when they opened her up for it they found cancer.
we had an extra special relationship since i was her "birthday present" when she turned 10 in 1951. this is my second sibling to die of cancer in 14 months..
stepmom died 2 weeks ago
by love2Bworldly injust thought i would share with everyone how my jw sister treats our family.
my stepmother passed away 2 weeks ago, and had been in and out of the hospital.
so my brother told my jw sister, and she came running to town (5 hour drive) and they didn't call me but did call my oldest sister who then called me.. the jw sister took what items she wanted and left town.
under the radar
love2Bworldly, I am so sorry for your loss. I know it's of little comfort, but you're not the first to see first-hand the way JWs treat family in times of crisis. And sadly, you won't be the last.
I think gma-tired2 hit the nail on the head. It's not so much that being JWs causes people to be selfish and greedy when someone dies and there is an "inheritance" to be had, it's that being JWs is no protection from being so. They can be just as greedy and crass as anyone else. But that does make such JWs hypocrites because they claim to be "True Christians" with standards far above those of mere worldlings.
Another common thing among JWs is to not inform non-JW relatives when a JW family member is seriously ill or has died. It seems they don't want the non- or ex- JW family to visit the sick person or even come to the visitation and funeral if there has been a death in the family. You know, they can't risk getting "aposta-cooties."
I am neither officially DA nor DF, but my own sister told me in no uncertain terms, "I am no longer a conduit of family information for you." There have been children born, infant deaths, divorces, and disfellowshippings in my family that I only found out about through "back channels."
Please accept my condolences. If I may offer a bit of advice... protect your own interests and those of your other family by holding your sister to account for the things she took improperly. Make sure your father's instructions are carried out to the letter. That's one way you can honor the memories of both him and your step-mom.
Take care.
My brother died yesterday
by satinka in"albert" was 55 years old, and the fifth-born of seven children.
i am the second oldest and babysat him often while he was growing up --- and while i was still at home.. yesterday, albert was out taking his usual morning stroll around his small town, when he collapsed on the sidewalk.
the doctors said it was a heart attack.
under the radar
Sorry for your loss, Satinka. That's way too young to go. At least you have wonderful memories of him to cherish. Sounds like a fine person anybody would love to have as a brother.
Shanghai's iconic Nanjing Lu (Street)
by fulltimestudent inlu is a chinese word for street, and it may be one of the first chinese words a visitor learns, particularly if their hotel is sited near this street.. i'd like to show you what life is like innanjing lu, its attractions and its scams.. so first of, what can you see.
well, lots and lots of chinese, but these days (often) lots and lots of westerners.
this first video, shows chinese couples street dancing.
under the radar
Cool videos! Thanks for posting them. I get to Shanghai once or twice a month for a day or two at a time. I don't usually have time to stray far from the hotel, but it is definitely a beautiful city.
If you're interested in possibly meeting up sometime, PM me and I'll let you know the next time I'm gonna be there. Could be a hoot!
Are JW's using different terminology for "congregation discipline"?
by booker-t ini have been out for over 20 years now and sometimes i run into a young jws on the street and the language seems to be "greek" to me.
i have a hard time understanding what they are talking about.
when i was in(90s) they had 4 catergories for congregation discipline.
under the radar
I was raised as a JW. I clearly remember cases in the late 1950's and early 60's where they would announce the specific "sin" for which a person had been disfellowshipped. They would say, for example, "Joe Blow has been disfellowshipped for adultery." They actually used the word "disfellowshipped" and named the specific "sin." I don't remember ever hearing an announcement of a person's being placed on probation, but it seems reasonable that this would have been announced too.
I do not think announcing the specific terms of one's probation was ever official policy. I have no doubt that it occurred, but I think it was probably just a case of a particular congregation going beyond what was "required."
The Organization as it stands today bears little resemblance to the one I was raised in. It is run almost entirely by lawyers and bean counters now, and it seems their primary concern is the protection of their assets. They are doing everything they can to limit their liability and exposure to law suits. I think that's what's really driving the changes in terminology, procedures, and policies. Whether something is correct or the right thing to do takes a back seat to whether the change could cost them money or make them look bad.
For the record, I reject the Governing Body for being the presumptuous, self-serving, self-aggrandizing, arrogant imposters of godly men that they are. I hope a special punishment awaits them for the untold and unnecessary suffering their ever-changing policies and doctrines have visited upon a gullible and trusting "brotherhood."
Mac Book Pro with Retina or Dell XPS 15? (both with new Haswell processors)
by Simon ini've been in need of a new laptop for a long time.
no, i mean it - a really long time.
the old dell that we have has a floppy lid and is woefully underpowered although it does build up my upper body strength every time i pick it up.. the last 6 months has been a bad time to buy something new though with the haswell processors on the horizon promising better battery life and also screen technology seems to have been leaping ahead recently to a new hi-dpi standard.. so apple finally released their mac book pro and at the same time dell has released an xps 15 ultrabook which looks like a pretty good alternative and probably better 'value'.. pro's and con's?
under the radar
Hi Simon,
At the risk of being called a "fanboy," I have to add my two cents to the Apple camp. I know there are exceptions, but generally, when you buy an Apple product, you just take it out of the box and it works. I have spent literally days trying to configure and set up a new PC.
I have an early-2013 13" MacBook Pro with Retina display. It is pretty much maxed out with the 3.0 i7 chip and 512 gb SSD. I only wish I had gotten the 768 gb SSD instead. Otherwise, it's perfect. I have Windows Ultimate 7 installed in Bootcamp and it works great too. As an aside, I use Winclone 4.2.2 to regularly backup the Bootcamp partition to my Time Capsule.
I realize there are pros and cons to everything, but if you can stand to spend the bucks, I recommend going with the MacBook Pro. I like the 13" because I take it with me on the road, but a 15" doesn't weigh much more and has even more computing power. I think you'd be happy with either, especially since Mavericks has been released, It includes several great productivity programs you'd pay a lot extra for with a PC.
While I'm typing, let me thank you again for making this website available. It's a priceless asset to those who are or have been trapped within the Watchtower's tentacles. Keep up the good work!
New book "Journey to God's House" 3 free signed copies giveaway
by LivingTheDream inhey folks, .
goodreads is having free giveaway of 3 signed copies of my new book: "journey to god's house".
nothing required, just sign up for it!
under the radar
I just bought the Kindle version from Amazon. Immediate download, less than $6. I don't have an actual Kindle, but there are free Kindle apps for the Mac and all iOS devices. So I can start reading it on my MacBook Pro, and pick up right where I left off on my iPad or iPhone. I'm sure there are Kindle apps for other devices as well.
Thanks for the heads up about this book.
Reinstatement Hearing Secretly Recorded and on JWStruggle
by RayPublisher inokay people i have a new video that some of you may be interested in- i believe it is the only one of its kind online.
three elders meet with a young female that knows ttatt and is trying to get back into the jws for family reasons.
the audio also includes the three elders disagreeing and deliberating after she is dismissed from the room and then when they call her back in.
under the radar
Is there any way to convert the YouTube audio into mp3? That would make it much more convenient to listen to on an iPhone, iPod, or other mp3 player while walking, working out, etc.
If anyone can do that and post a link here, that would be great. I think it would enable more people to listen to the entire proceeding.
Regardless, thanks for posting this. I imagine it took a lot courage (not to mention time) for all involved, and I appreciate everyone's efforts.
MUST SEE VIDEO: "Read God's Word the Bible Daily" sign removed from Brooklyn, NY Watchtower Bldgs
by disfellowshipped1 in
hundreds were present in brooklyn to see this event..
under the radar
Is this onllne anywhere on a non-apostate, English-speaking website? I want to send it to several people, but they wouldn't even look at it if they suspected it was posted by apostates.
So closed-minded. Anyway, I'd love to tweak their noses with this video if I could get away with it...
Moving to Memphis
by scary21 inmy husband and i are moving to memphis soon.
does anyone have any info.
one thing i like is no harsh winters.. it's scary but exciting moving to a new place.
under the radar
Sent you a PM. Check it out when you get a chance.